Australian Bale Press Company

Bounce Adherence Conveyors


Bounce adherence conveyors are an extremely effective addition to the materials recovery process. These machines have a very small footprint and can be configured in a number of ways to improve the separation process at low cost. Our Variable Pitch Bounce Adherence conveyors are made in 1800mm and 2400mm modules or custom made to meet your needs. Transport and Installation is simple and fast providing minimal interruption to the operation. Bounce adherence conveyors may be used singularly or in clusters and can be added to an existing operation with minimal disruption.

Key Design Features:

  • Variable Speed Drives for dynamic control
  • Pitch variance to manage product stream changes
  • Modular construction for easy access, removal and adjustment
  • Robust transmission to ensure effective operating life

    Custom designed to suit throughput and product mix
